Bin Trim Rebates Program

Up to $50,000 towards recycling equipment is available from the Bin Trim Rebates Program for businesses to reduce their waste and improve their recycling. Bin trim supports businesses that waste less and recycle more. This is a Waste Less Recycle. More initiative funded from the waste levy.

The Bin Trim Rebates Program is part of NSW EPA’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, which aims to increase workplace recycling by providing rebates to small and medium-sized businesses for recycling equipment.

Rebates of between $1,000 and $50,000 are available to cover up to 50% of the capital cost of on-site recycling equipment.

The Bin Trim Rebates program is designed to accommodate a range of different equipment options.

Rebate applications must:

  • Divert additional new tonnes from landfill
  • Be cost effective to fund equipment that will help improve source separation of recyclables, reduce waste and/or increase recycling in the workplace
  • Divert priority materials including paper, cardboard, plastic (including expanded polystyrene), food, organics and wood/timber, however, other materials will also be considered
  • Lead to improved recycling for source separation of waste, including ancillary equipment such as bins, signage and kitchen caddies, if they fall within minimum / maximum rebate amounts.


Businesses can apply for rebates of between $1000 and $50,000, for up to 50% of the cost of equipment, and for up to five sites to the value of $50,000 per site. A maximum of $250,000 is available for any one business over the life of the program.

Eligible Projects

Equipment eligible for a rebate includes material processing infrastructure that diverts waste from landfill as well as recycling infrastructure.

This includes but is not limited to:

Eligible Applicants

At a minimum, you must be:

  • A small to medium sized business with up to 399 full time equivalent employees
  • A facility manager responsible for small to medium business waste at sites such as business parks, commercial buildings and shopping centres
  • A small-scale recycler responsible for managing the waste of small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Other eligibility requirements may apply.

How to Apply

If you would like to receive a free waste audit from Waste Initiatives to assess your business eligibility for the Bin Trim Rebates Program, or simply want to learn more about the program, please complete the enquiry form below or call our team on 1800 441 100

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Make An Enquiry

Talk to Waste Initiatives today to find out more about our waste & recycling solutions.

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