Tyre Waste
Approximately Australia recovers on average around 330,000 tonnes of waste tyres annually or 70%. While recovery is moderately high, Australia continues to dispose of around 142,000 tonnes of waste tyres each year into licensed landfills, buried on-site where permitted, dumped into the environment, or illegally stockpiled.
Tyres are a challenging waste product as their large volume, durability and internal void take up valuable landfill space quickly. New technologies like pyrolysis and de-vulcanisation mean tyres can now be recycled to become tyre-derived fuels, new rubber products, playground surfaces, new tyres and rubber-modified asphalt
Waste Initiatives provides a range of equipment designed for tyre waste recycling in Australia, including heavy-duty balers, tyre-shredders, conveyors, and sorting lines. By investing in these solutions, businesses and communities can effectively manage tyre waste, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to a more sustainable future.